Leadership donations are vital to United Way’s efforts to improve people’s lives and create lasting change in our community. Our leadership giving demonstrates the voluntary caring spirit that is very much alive in Marathon County.
Donors giving $600 or more (individual or combined household gifts) become members of United Way's Summit League!
Leadership level support is acknowledged by:
- Exclusive invitations to Summit League events including the Summit League Membership Reception
- Quarterly printed newsletter
- Name listed in the annual giving booklet
- Subscription to the e-newsletter
- Summit Statue and yearly giving tag
There are seven different levels of giving in United Way's Summit League.
The first time you donate, you will receive a Summit League Trophy Base. At the end of each campaign, you will receive a tag with the year and the giving level you are currently on to add to your display.
Giving Levels:
Tocqueville: - $10,000 +
Final Ascent: $4,000 -$9,999
Camp Five: $2,600 – $3,999
Camp Four: $1,600 – $2,599
Camp Three: $1,000 – $1,599
Camp Two: $750 – $999
Base Camp: $600 – $749
Tocqueville Society members are donors who have given $10,000+ to United Way's Campaign.
More than 100 years ago, French aristocrat Alexis de Tocqueville traveled extensively throughout the United States and marveled at the young nation’s generous spirit. His travels were the basis of a book, Democracy in America, in which he wrote, “When an American asks for the cooperation of his fellow citizens, it is seldom refused; and I have seen it afforded spontaneously and with great good will.”
At the Summit League reception, a Tocqueville Award is presented to recognize long-term philanthropy benefiting our community.
Since 1985 United Way of Marathon County has honored local philanthropists for their long-term support of United Way:
Caroline Mark
Richard Dudley
Marv & Ruth Schuette
E.O. Johnson
Dwight & Linda Davis
Bernie & Esther Greenheck
George & Estelle Wolff
Stan & Mary Staples
Carl & Barbara Drake
Robert C. Greenheck
Larry Niederhofer
John & Nancy Skoug
Nancy Frawley
(2022) Duane & Jill Meyer
Thank you for your support!
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