United Way of Marathon County reviews data, monitors trends, and stays informed about local issues. This information helps us set priorities to guide our investments and initiatives.
Community Data
LIFE Report
The newest LIFE report is now available!
The LIFE report provides a wide spectrum of information and data depicting the quality of life in Wausau and Marathon County. Its purpose is to provide a reference for the community to evaluate strengths and weaknesses and identify priority issues.
The report, which is published every two years, serves as a tracking vehicle to show how the community has changed over time. The LIFE Steering Committee hopes this report will not only serve as a reference but also as a starting point for community action on the key Calls to Action.
The LIFE Report project is guided by the LIFE Project Steering Committee and made possible through the support of community sponsors.
United Way of Marathon County uses local data to identify community needs and priorities for funding and issue work. Both the LIFE Report and the statewide ALICE Report contain valuable information to inform decision-making, not only for United Way, but for other community partners as well.
Who is ALICE?
We all know people who are ALICE: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed — earning more than the Federal Poverty Level, but not enough to afford the basics where they live.
ALICE households and households in poverty are forced to make tough choices, such as deciding between quality child care or paying the rent — choices that have long-term consequences not only for their families, but for all.
The latest 2024 ALICE Report revealed the ALICE rate in Marathon County has increased from 29% to 34%.
The cost of basic needs continues to outpace wages. While wages have increased for many, the cost of living has increased even faster.
Marathon County ALICE: 34%
The city of Wausau’s ALICE percentage: 42%
Key villages/cities/communities and their ALICE percentages:
• Abbotsford – 36%
• Athens – 42%
• Colby – 55%
• Edgar – 37%
• Marshfield – 53%
• Mosinee – 35%
• Schofield – 35%
• Wausau – 42%
Below are some key takeaways from the latest Marathon County report. Here's a snapshot of the Marathon County report.
• Single-Female-Headed Households (with children) continues to have the highest ALICE rate in our overall population, rising to an alarming 64%
• The City of Wausau continues to remain at a 42% ALICE rate.
• Black & Hispanic households are still seeing the highest rates of ALICE.
• Almost every age category has seen an increase in their ALICE rates, with seniors 65+ rising to 46%.
• Both households in ALICE & Poverty are increasing, with households living in poverty seeing a sharp increase.
Our work focusing on Lifting 10,000 individuals to Financial Stability by 2033 remains as important as ever.
The first step to helping ALICE is understanding who ALICE is, reading the report, and sharing it with your networks. Local United Ways across the state of Wisconsin are committed to improving the lives of ALICE families and those in poverty by promoting resources for stability. Addressing these issues will not only help advance the quality of life for those suffering from continued financial hardship but also uplift communities.
To learn more about ALICE visit https://www.unitedforalice.org/wisconsin
Website by: OneEach Technologies
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