United Way of Marathon County Lottsa Pasta Drive
Join United Way of Marathon County in our annual pasta drive! We're collecting as much as we can to benefit local food pantries. Businesses and individuals are encouraged to participate!
Highly Sought-After Items:
• Whole grain pasta
• Chickpea and black bean pasta
• Rice
Workplace donations can be picked up by United Way staff on April 30 or dropped off at the United Way office located at 705. S. 24th Ave Suite 400B, Wausau, WI 54401. To sign up a WORKPLACE Click HERE.
To participate as an INDIVIDUAL or GROUP, please drop off pasta donations to the United Way office starting March 20. Our office is located at 705 S. 24th Ave. Suite 400B. A donation box will be located at the front. Individuals can also drop off donations at Festival Foods in Wausau and Express Market by Festival Foods in Weston.
Remote worker? No problem, check out our Amazon pasta WISH LIST. Shipping is free for Prime members, and it can be shipped directly to our office!
Pasta will be sorted and distributed to local pantries by our Hunger Coalition. For more information email channey@unitedwaymc.org.
Website by: OneEach Technologies
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