About Us

United Way of Marathon County is an independently governed 501(c)3 nonprofit organization connected to a network of more than 1,400 local United Ways through United Way Worldwide. We have an active board of directors and focus our work on lifting community members to financial stability. We do this by investing in local non-profits and organizations that support our mission and bold goal. Our BOLD goal is to lift 10,000 community members to financial stability by 2033.

United Way of Marathon County also runs a community closet and mobile community closet where community members receive free clothing. This helps to offset costs for many families and individuals. Our Hunger Coalition is also hard at work helping to eliminate food insecurity within our community by taking fresh, healthy produce directly to families in need. 

Our history dates back to 1930, when a group of Wausau businessmen and civic leaders felt the time was right for the Wausau area to organize a Community Chest. In 1972 the organization’s name was officially changed to United Way of Marathon County. 


In August of 2022, the Board approved a new Mission Statement for United Way of Marathon County.  These three words are simple, easy to understand, and inclusive. The goal behind reworking the mission is to create brand awareness, including our donors, partners, agencies, and community members, and achieve a great place to work where all community members are stable. 

To achieve this mission, United Way:

  • Evaluates – we review data, monitor trends, and stay informed about local issues. This information helps us set priorities to guide our investments and initiatives.
  • Invests – we strategically invest donor dollars in programs that help us achieve our bold goals.
  • Convenes – we bring together people from businesses, non-profits, schools, government, and the faith community to create a greater collective impact.
  • Mobilizes – we recruit, promote, and support volunteers within the community.
  • Connects – we connect people to services and resources, through United Way’s 211.

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